Intuitive Art


Have you ever been side swiped in an area of your life where you thought you were completely solid? You find yourself asking questions like “Where did that come from?… Why didn’t I see that coming?…Where did I go wrong? “  You lose confidence in yourself. You lose trust in the people around you. You find yourself questioning everything you knew. This happened to me about a year ago.

Around the same time I got an invite for a free on line mixed media workshop called “Finding Your North Star” by Laly Mille. (She’s amazing by the way. Check her out on Instagram.) Feeling completely lost personally this seemed like just what I needed.

It was. Her workshop sparked a year long journey of healing through art. I developed a practice of writing on the canvas first.  I wrote what ever came to mind which ended up being words of encouragement. Next I would collage and finally paint. I always photograph the words first so the messages wouldn’t be lost. Each piece I create this way feels like a gift I’ve been given and something I should share with others who might find encouragement from the messages they convey.

View Intuitive Art and more in My Gallery