Welcome to Wild Mustard Seed

About the Artist; Who writes these things? I’ve looked at many artist statements looking for inspiration to write my own. Some write in the third person which seems weird. Some get very philosophical and academic using words like minimalist and ephemeral. This is totally not me. It seems I just have to make art. I can’t not make art. Couldn’t it just be that simple? People often ask me questions; Have you always liked art? Have you always been Creative? Here’s the story I tell.

My artistic gift is a family thing. My great grandmother (painter), her sister (painter), my grandparents (gifted seamstress, pianist and architectural engineer), my father (graphic artist or in those days commercial artist), and my uncle (professional photographer). It seemed to me growing up that being an artist is just what you do.

My Inspiration; As a young person I took many art classes, dance lessons, played viola, piano, organ and even violin for one musical. Then there were the family vacations. No Disney Land, no warm weather destinations in winter, no travel abroad. No, we camped and I loved it!  I grew to love the woods in a very macro sort of way so when I met my husband Cal in 1996 and started hunting and fishing with him it seemed like a perfect fit. There’s nothing better in my book than sitting quietly in the woods observing for extended periods of time. To be honest I’m sitting in a turkey blind in Northern Minnesota writing this draft. There are a couple Turkeys at the far end of the field coming my way so I better get to the meat and potatoes of this thing.

The Bottom Line; I love my husband, my children, my family and friends immensely. My current goals include slowing down and being “present”. In animal behavior my husband has decided I’m 100% Otter. I’ll save that story for a blog post. I cry easily, mostly tears of gratitude for the sweetness of life’s experiences.  I don’t really care about fancy awards, titles, certificates. The art I make brings me joy and encouragement. I share it here in hopes that it will do the same for you.

Something here about my studio…

A Little Bit About My Art

Intuitive Art

Have you ever been side swiped in an area of your life where you thought you were completely solid? You find yourself asking questions like “Where did that come from?… Why didn’t I see that coming?…Where did I go wrong? “  You lose confidence in yourself. You lose trust in the people around you. You find yourself questioning everything you knew.

Granite Etching

After 25 years of work as a graphic artist in Minneapolis MN, we moved to a farmhouse on the priairie in Western Minnesota. My husband had just retired from construction and this was our dream. Wide open spaces, hunting, fishing, a garden and quiet time together. After a three year job search I found my dream job.


This is a new art form for me born out of my love for gathering tiny and beautiful things. When I’m in my studio I often have no “plan” for creating. I usually begin by tidying up the place and as they say on occasion “Everything falls into place”.