I am a Gokotta Master (self-proclaimed)

Lately I have found a new fascination with unusual words. Primarily words that I feel like someone made up just for me. My use of vocabulary has always been pretty stripped down and basic and I’ve never really felt the need to expand. So why now? Maybe because I’ve started this we site and that requires me to write for more than just myself? Maybe the universe is sending me tiny messages…a word at a time? Messages telling me; this is who you are.

If that is the case today’s message is the word Gokotta (zyohh-koh-tah). This is a Swedish word with a meaning that fits me to a tee. Gokotta is the act of rising early just to go outside and hear the birds sing. It is exactly what I am doing this morning as I write this post. It is what I’m called to do every morning rain or shine.  Many times I’m out on the deck in my PJ’s, a jacket and a blanket with a hot cup of coffee enjoying the magic a yet another day coming alive.

Often my city friends will say to me “You must really enjoy the peace and quiet of living in the country.”  Peace yes. Quiet not very often. The closest to quiet we get would probably be in the dead of winter, no wind and a steady temperature or perhaps right before a storm when it is completely still and everyone/thing is listening for what is to come. The crickets, the frogs, even the grass silently waits.

This morning the wind is rustling through the young leaves of early summer. The baby sparrows are following their mothers around wings quaking crying to be fed.  The tiny wrens are full of self-expression. Their song cuts through all the other sounds. I imagine they are saying, “I am tiny but I have a voice and it matters!” It’s early enough that the drake mallards are still chasing the hens and chattering away as they do so. The hummingbird’s come in like giant bumble bees humming happily as they fill up their bellies. This morning the cat bird sounds like a squeaky swing off in the distance. The warblers are the quiet ones. The only noise they seem to make is the splashing of their wings as they bath in the bit of water that puddles on the edge of the garden.

For me it’s all magical. It fills my heart and calms my soul. What better way to start each day.

So yes, I am a Gokotta Master. I highly recommend you give it a try.


Blog dislaimer; Please note that I practice “Creative Grammar” at all times. If you are a master in this area and enjoy finding mistakes you will love my blog! If you are someone who has something to say but fear you will make a mistake in how you say it. Have no fear. Creative Grammar is here!

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1 Comment
  • Valla Allen

    Oh Liz, this perfectly describes our world! At about 4:11 a.m. Rick and I quietly whispered: that Whippoorwill sure has staying power…wonder if his throat gets sore? Let’s see, that’s 7+ hours of whippoorwilling and the dawn has yet to arrive…..The Allens

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